
Monday, April 9, 2012

How Do They Get the Bull to Stand Still?

This month's FREE mp3 download is from my piano CD DREAM/HARBOUR 
(PART 2/23) 
•To save to computer, RIGHT-CLICK the link & select"Save Target As" 
•To listen to it right now
LEFT-CLICK the link

Dream Harbour has become a surprising turning point in my career. It’s not because I've sold a million copies, or finally become a big music star. Rather, it’s because I've  discovered a whole new market that is literally searching for the type of music. READ MORE


A Big Problem !
Last  year I was contacted by a father & son team who were in the amusement business together. They told me that there was an annual banquet that people in the amusement  business usually attended, however, this year the  banquet was cancelled, which also meant  that the valuable opportunity to network, and renew contacts with old friends  as well as  making new friends, was lost.

Comes a Brainwave!  
These businessmen didn't let this bother them one bit. They did what any experienced  entrepreneurs would do... they seized the opportunity to make lemonade, out of lemons.
They did something absolutely a brilliant. They knew that the annual trade show for people in the the amusement  business was coming up in a few months, so they thought, "Why not take advantage of a captive audience and invite all of the trade show visitors to a hospitality suite, that they would host, right in the same venue that was housing the trade show.

Is all the Effort Worth While ?
Not having any previous experience with hospitality suites they were not quite sure if it would be a good return on their investment.
They went ahead regardless, and rented a suite in the hotel where the trade show was being held. They hired an outside caterer to supply the food, refreshments, wait staff & bar tender. To their credit they contracted me to supply the music for the evening's entertainment.

How Did the Evening Go? 
People started drifting in about 5 o'clock in the evening. The delicious food being served by smartly dressed servers, the bar tender pouring exotic cocktails, wine & beer, my piano quietly humming cool  jazz standards  in the background -all of these things- created a very cosy room, that made guests feel at home, and encouraged a lot of conversation, which  made the often daunting task of networking, very enjoyable indeed. People didn't necessarily talk about the amusement business. It was really a time to connect & reconnect on a personal level.
As the evening progressed, people came & went, so the room was always full.
Some people came directly from the trade show, others had dinner first & dropped in later. About 3 hours into the evening I noticed that the mood of the room had gradually changed from polite & cordial to that of a genuine "party" . Not that there was yelling & screaming and poor behaviour, but rather that there was a real element of joy and friendliness in the room , much the same as if it were in your own home, where everyone was having a good time. The decibel level had certainly increased, which is a sign that more people were talking.

What's Different ?
Whenever I'm entertaining, I always keenly aware of the general mood of the room, and when I sense the change in mood, I automatically change the mood of the music I'm  playing.It was time to take the music up a notch, so I  stopped playing background instrumentals & started signing some well known pop songs  that would fit the age bracket of the various guests in attendance. I  wasn't loud, but people did notice the change, and judging by their smiles & comment , they loved it. It was something they were not expecting. The mood had changed, & I know that  the music has to support the mood.

How Do They Get The Bull to Stand Still?
During one of my breaks,I was chatting with one of the guests  who was on the organizing committee for  a fall fair in the Brampton area. Their big attraction was the livestock exhibit of horses and cows. Did you know that in today's hi tech bovine culture, that all cows are artificially inseminated? Neither did I. It's all done by machine. Immediately I think of passing this valuable information along to the professional comics I know. They would have a real ( pardon the expression)  "ball" with this information. Think of the questions they would ask their audiences.

"How do they get the bull to stand still?
" What does the machine look like?
" What is the title of the person who does this kind of work"
" Are there pictures/videos involved?"
" What is the job description you'd place in the help wanted ads?"
" Do have to wait until cows are asleep?"

As for the horses, I'm told that they are the only ones still doing it old school. "Why", I asked my new friend. He didn't know why, but suggested I might find the answer on the internet. I haven't gotten around to it yet, but if I ever decide to visit the Brampton Fall Fair, I'll ask someone.

When I am successful...You are successful! 
Q.Was the expense of hosting a hospitality suite worth it ?"
Q.Was the time spent organizing the hospitality suite worth the bother?
Q. Did these entrepreneurs achieve what they set out to do ? 

When I left the hospitality suite at 10 o'clock, after having played for five straight hours, the room was still busy, and their parting words were, "Same time next year "! 

    Tips for Organizing Your Own 
              Hospitality Suite
Hospitality suites  are  an extension of the activity you've already done earlier down on the trade show floor. Ideally,the function of an effective hospitality suite is to provide you/company an opportunity to spend more quality time with important  prospects/customers in a private environment,  far away your spying competitors. Hospitality suites can create more business and, leave a good impression with your target audience as well.

1. Get a list of the email addresses for the trade show or conference attendees. Send them a press release telling them about your hospitality event 4 weeks   ahead. Send another release one week before.

2. Get a venue that is in the same building as the actual trade show or conference
3.  Make sure that there is a closed off area for food preparation and storage.If you're using hotel, get a suite, that has a couple of bedrooms and a separate living room area.

4. If there's any distractions in your hospitality suite like tv's, video games, toys of any sort, etc. make  sure they're unplugged if not removed.

5. Get a creative caterer
6. Ensure your bartender is fully aware of his responsibilities as far as the serving of alcohol to guests who have had their share

7. If you are using your own company staff to host your hospitality suite, (opposed to employing professional hosts) here' s how you get them ready.

8.If you're using your own employees as hosts, instead of professional hosts, make sure that you choose employees who are are enthusiastic, and enjoy socializing. Brief them about the purpose of the hospitality suite, and let them know what you expect of them. 

I highly recommend a dress code,keeping in mind that even though your guests may arrive dressed casually,your company is still in business mode.

Employees should be encouraged to:
•practice a confident handshake
• memorize  a brief self-introduction, that includes their name and what they do at the company
• have a series of "small talk" subjects in case the conversation runs dry.

  "What about those ?"

9. Invite me to supply a great evening of music, song and entertainment

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